The Two-Night One-Night Stand Read online

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  I owe Jayne big-time. Her brother is awesome. Way more than I could have expected. And I can’t get over how unbelievably good-looking he is. I look for a detail that links him to his sister, but see none. Nick is tall and dark, compared to my friend’s small, fair features. His chestnut hair sticks up at the top where his hand rakes through it repeatedly. A very cute quirk. One that makes me want to reach over and touch that mussy hair, to run my fingers through it and tug and just....

  Holly! Calm yourself!

  What the hell has gotten into me? Is it the booze? Or is it the fact that I’ve been sitting across from this hot guy basically wearing the equivalent to slutty lingerie all night? There’s just something about him; he’s making my body hum to life in a way it hasn’t since… since… ever.

  He picks up the wine and refills both of our glasses, draining the bottle down to the last few drips. Our pizza is done, wine is empty… damn, does this mean the date is about to end? I sip the last of my wine slowly, trying to make it last. We’ve reached the awkward this-date-is-over-now-what part of the night.

  “This is good wine,” he says, picking up the empty bottle to examine the label. “I’m gonna have to get a bottle of this.” It’s an $8.99 Pinot Grigio, tolerable but hardly good. He’s stalling, looking to stretch the conversation in some leading way. I try to contain my smile, knowing he doesn’t want this night to end either.

  “We could pick a bottle up now and you could come back to my place?” My head jerks back and my mouth falls open, startled by my own blatant request. Oh God. What did I just do? Oh God. He’s not saying anything. Why isn’t he saying anything? I brave a glance in his direction. Wide hazel eyes are lost in thought. He’s thinking about it. Why does he need to think about it? Quick, tell him you take it back.

  “Definitely. Let’s go.” He accepts my offer with a sexy grin that nearly slides the panties right off me.

  I’m in trouble. Big trouble. Lust-induced trouble. The best kind.

  He once again offers me his warm coat and I slide it on, relishing in its toastiness. My eyes close and I bring the collar up to my nose for a luxurious sniff of the musky cologne that lingers inside the lining of his coat. The scent makes my mouth water and the buzzing inside me turns to an ache. A blistering ache. An ache that lets me know I’m gonna do bad things tonight.

  “You can’t drive, and I know I didn’t drink that much but I probably shouldn’t drive either. It’s late but you never know, kids could still be out on the streets trick-or-treating.”

  I appreciate his caution. It speaks volumes about his character. “I have the Uber app.” I had downloaded it on my phone for a just in case moment such as this one. He gives me a nod of approval. I open the app and it only takes a few clicks before someone is on their way to pick us up.

  The cold air is sobering as we both stand in silence waiting for a car that’s only three minutes away. I could pretend the cold air is making me rethink my invite, but that would be a big fucking lie. The anticipation building at getting him back to my place is becoming overwhelming.

  It’s quiet, too quiet.

  “You lied to me before,” I say, breaking the silence, hoping he’s not having any second thoughts.

  His face startles back in horror. “I… I… I,” he stammers. It’s adorable how quickly he gets flustered.

  “Mushrooms,” I say with a laugh. “You said you loved Marsala pizza but you picked off most of the mushrooms.”

  “Oh, mushrooms.” His shoulders relax but his nose crinkles up in disgust. “Mushrooms on pizza isn’t exactly my favorite. I guess I just said it hoping to impress you.”

  “Impress me?” This makes me laugh even more and I tease, “Well, my criteria for liking a guy usually does depend on whether or not he likes mushrooms.” He starts in on the nervous hair raking, a bashful grin stretching across his face as he looks down at his feet. I reach for his hands and use them to pull myself up to his ear and whisper, “Don’t worry, I just invited you back to my place, I think it’s safe to say I’m impressed.”

  MY BRAIN MAKES one more attempt to get me to do the right thing. But once her hot breath reaches my ear, my logic officially packs its bag and leaves town. I didn’t tell her and it is now apparent I’m not going to tell her.

  I capture her cold cheeks in my hands, tipping her face up toward mine. Her mouth puckers into a heart, waiting to be kissed. I savor the moment. This incredibly sexy girl wants me to kiss her.

  I make my move.

  Her lips are sweet and when she parts them I taste the white wine on her tongue. She’s delicious. My mouth waters for more of her. A low groan escapes when her fingers tangle their way into my hair. I slide my hands down to her waist, urging her up to meet me for a deeper kiss. Her tongue works eager little circles over and over inside my mouth. With my brain out of the way, Peen’s got the whole place to himself. He’s overjoyed, urging me to slide my hand under the coat I’ve lent her.

  Go for it. Touch one. No, touch both. Wait, wait, wait, just one.

  My palm skims over her clothes, cupping one of her perfectly round breasts. It’s heaven. Quite possibly, very soon I am going to unzip this dress and be able to run my hands all over these breasts. The idea nearly makes my head explode.


  A white Hyundai pulls up in front of us. Our bodies stay attached. I lean down, lowering my voice. “What’s protocol for Ubering? Do we both get in the back? One of us in the front?” Peering into the front, I see a face staring back at me. Not human. A horse. Part of a costume. The giant fake horse head in the passenger seat answers the question for us. We break apart and both slide into the back seat.

  “Two-ten William Street, is that the Maple Apartment complex?” the driver asks, staring down at his phone with barely a glance in our direction.

  “Yes,” Holly confirms.

  Before we take off I need one last confirmation from her as well. “Are you sure you’re okay with this? With me coming over?”

  “Yes. I know it’s fast and we just met, but in a way I already know you. You’re Jayne’s brother.”

  No, I’m not. The sentence forms in my head but never makes its way out of my mouth because Holly presses up against me and her lips come crashing into mine for more kissing.

  The car pulls away. There’s no turning back now.

  WE BARELY BREAK apart long enough for me to get my key in the door, and once we finally step inside, I use the back of my patent leather heel to slam the door shut. I’m sure this isn’t what Jayne had in mind when she set me up with her brother, but as Nick buries his face in my neck, tracing his tongue up to my ear, I put Jayne far, far out of my mind.

  My apartment is a mess and we never stopped to pick up another bottle of wine, but I don’t think any of that matters right now.

  Nick’s massive hands pull his large jacket from me, letting it drop to the ground. His fingers tug at the zipper of my fitted white uniform in a slow, seductive motion. Once he finishes unzipping, his fingertips pull back the fabric to explore underneath, journeying all over my stimulated skin. Me asking him over was a clear-cut invitation for sex, and we are wasting no time. Thank God, I opted for a sexy thong over comfortable undies. All it takes is a quick shimmy and the dress slides off my body, landing on top of his jacket.

  His finger hooks into one of my bra straps, slowly dragging it down. The kisses he places on my exposed flesh causes it to prickle with tingling bumps. Soft lips travel across my breasts before landing on my cleavage, where again I feel the warmth of his tongue. My knees go weak, the tall stilettos making it hard to keep my balance. I steady myself by grabbing onto his shoulders.

  Any lingering doubts about doing this—they are officially gone.

  “Holly.” He says my name and heat rushes between my thighs. It’s an ache, a thirst that needs quenching, and the building desire propels me into full-on porn star mode. I boldly encourage his hand, placing it place where the tingle beckons. I’m unable to control myself from bucking a
gainst his fingers as he rubs small circles over the increasingly wet silk.

  “Oh, God.” My hands slip down to his biceps, my nails digging into the tight muscles. I actually begin to tremble with need.

  Two years with Tyler and not once had he ever made my body react in this way. Not once.

  We walk backwards into my living room. Nick takes control; in one swift movement, I’m flipped around, my ass pressing up against a rock-hard bulge that lets me know he’s as turned on as I am. He begins to unhook my bra, freeing my breasts from the constricting lace that is providing an extra layer of cushion, hoisting my girls up and pushing them together.

  Uh-oh. A moment of consciousness seeps in. Once this bra is removed my breasts will not only be smaller, but will drop to a natural place lower than what is being advertised. I hold my breath, hoping he won’t mind. The unhooked bra gets torn off and tossed to the side. His hands reach around, desperately kneading my breasts, impatient fingers rubbing over my taut nipples. Both of us moan from the sensation. I relax into his touch. If he noticed, he sure as hell doesn’t mind.

  A strong urge to make him feel the same incredible way he’s making me feel takes hold. I turn around to face him, my breaths fast and hard. I tug at the string holding up his scrub pants and down they go. He jolts with a low, guttural groan as my hands reach into his boxer briefs, wrapping around his hard length.

  “So good.” His voice is thick. He lifts up his shirt, removing it completely. His body is lean and chiseled all the way down to the V that’s like an arrow pointing me in the right direction. I step out of my heels and sink down to my knees, lowering his boxers all the way in the process. I want to taste him; not the norm for me, not usually something I want to do. But the need is strong and my mouth opens up, taking him in. My tongue swirls and every time he groans out my name, I suck harder, while his fingers twist in my hair, guiding me vigorously.

  His breaths increase and he encourages me back up, reaching for my hips to pull me in close. His hard dick presses against the thin silk between us. I’m no longer on the pill, but thankfully have some leftover condoms in my night table. It’s time to move this party to the bedroom. Our fingers lace together when I take his hand and lead him down the short hallway.

  On my way across the room, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My hair is wild, breasts exposed, skimpy thong and naughty nurse thigh highs still on. The image should send up a red flag, warning me to stop or at least slow down, but it does the opposite: it ignites me even more, catapulting my urgency. I push my hands onto his chest, sending him backwards onto my bed. There’s a soft glow illuminating my room from the full moon outside my bedroom window. He leans up on his elbows and watches as I arch my back and make my ass pop, slowly removing my thong.

  “Thigh highs, on or off?” I ask as if I’m a high-priced call girl. Something has been awoken in me tonight; a switch has been flipped. Although I don’t feel drunk, perhaps the combination of Fireball and white wine is acting as some type of aphrodisiac. Is that possible? Hmm, that’s definitely something worth looking into, because the way I feel right now, if I could bottle it up and sell it…

  I’d be a billionaire.

  “LEAVE THEM ON.” The words take a large amount of the little oxygen I have left to say. I’m breathing hard, gasping for any bit of air I can get in. She opens up a drawer and hands me a condom. This is a first for me. I’ve never had sex with a woman I just met. Why haven’t I? This is incredible. No words can describe the amount of pleasure coursing through my body at this very moment. Who knew tuning out my brain and listening to my dick would have such amazing results?

  I knew. And you’re welcome. Happy HallowPEEN!

  She lies back on the soft comforter of her bed, waiting for me while I roll the protection into place. Her brown hair is spread out across her pillow and her hips begin to rock with anticipation. Not even in my wildest dreams have I ever seen anything more beautiful. She stretches out her long fingers, placing the tips into her mouth, eyeing me hungrily. Goddamn, this is fucking hot.

  My body lowers on top of hers. Her legs fall open, allowing me full access. I take hold of my hard cock and ease in gently. The slick heat welcomes me, making me grunt out a joyous slew of profanity. I stay still, needing a few seconds, because one false move and this is all over.

  “Ah, yes.” She breathes out. Her impatient little body springs into movements I’m not ready for. I try hard to brace myself, to slow her down. But her pelvis lifts. And then she does this weird swirly thing with her hips.

  Ah, shit. Please no.


  I start reciting the alphabet in my head in order to maintain.


  More swirling. Holy hell, what comes after L? M, that’s right good ole letter M.


  It’s just been so long and she feels so un-fucking-believable.


  I need to last three minutes, just three little minutes so she doesn’t think I’m a loser who can’t hold out. Holly starts to moan. I can do this.


  Her body writhes, clenching around my locked and loaded cock with the hairpin trigger.

  And Z!




  “Oh, fuck, Nick… yes, fuck,” she cries out the wrong name that she doesn’t even know is wrong. Hearing another guy’s name is more powerful than the alphabet. It buys me the two and a half extra minutes I need.

  Holly’s full round chest heaves underneath me. I steady myself with one hand as she lifts my fingers up to her mouth, slurping two of them in and sucking them noisily. She coos, pressing my wet fingers against her tight rosy nipples. That’s it. I’m done. No amount of letters or wrong names in the world could keep me from going off at this moment. Her legs lock around me and my thrusts increase, my dick sinks in deeper. I nip my teeth into the smooth skin of her shoulder to help muffle the groans of my release before collapsing and rolling into place on the bed next to her. I stare up at her ceiling while the two of us lie there panting and gasping.

  As the oxygen replenishes and my senses return, I have no clue what comes next. This is certainly not the norm for me. Do I stay? Go? Cuddle? Get dressed? I shift nervously in her bed, waiting for her to say something, and I’m so glad when she does.

  “Wow. How many more times do you think we can do that tonight?”

  I WAKE UP to my phone buzzing on the night table and a hot guy in my bed. A sleepy smile stretches into place as the memories of last night come rushing back to me. I reach over and read the incoming text with one eye open.

  Jayne: What happened? My brother said he never saw you. Did you leave early?

  Both eyes fly open and I sit up in bed, causing the man next to me to stir.

  Me: What are you talking about?

  Jayne: I talked to Nick and he said you never showed.

  She talked to Nick and he never showed? I hold on tight to my phone and slowly turn to get a good look at the guy beside me. If Nick never showed… then… who the fuck is this?

  Images of my Halloween sex fest flash before me. Halloween. My superstitious mind takes off running. Had I fucked a ghost last night? Am I about to become a Halloween urban legend? An erotic ghost story that horny Girl Scouts tell around a campfire? My hand shakes as I slowly reach out, half expecting my hand to slide through him. Solid.

  He stirs again. Gulp. He’s real. Scenario two, he’s a murderer. A psycho serial killer out to slaughter scantily dressed nurses? I jump up from my bed, dash naked across the room, and lock myself in the bathroom with my phone. I grab the robe from the back of my door and once it’s on and tied tight, I frantically dial Jayne’s number.

  “Hello?” she answers after two rings. “What happened to you last night?”

  “Jayne, when did you talk to your brother? Last night or this morning?” I whisper into the phone. Maybe they had spoken before we actually met up. I cross my finger
s and wait for her answer.

  “This morning, like ten minutes ago. He said he showed up last night and looked for you but you weren’t there.”

  “No, no, no. Is there a chance you misunderstood?” Of course there isn’t. Why am I even asking?

  “Misunderstood what? What’s going on, Holly?”

  “I went home with someone last night.”

  “With who?”

  “A guy dressed up as a doctor. Someone who claimed to be your brother.”

  “You had a one-night stand?” Jayne laughs and I cringe at her words. “I didn’t have you pegged as that kind of girl. Looks like my brother missed out.”

  “This isn’t funny, Jayne. There’s an imposter, some guy whose name I don’t even know, sleeping in my bed right now. What if he’s a serial killer?”

  “He’s not a serial killer. If he was, you’d be dead by now. Well, probably.” She snickers.

  “Still not funny, Jayne. None of this is funny.”

  “Were you drunk?”

  Such a reasonable question to ask and right about now I am wishing that answer is yes. “No, I wasn’t drunk. I mean, I drank, but it was over the course of a few hours and we even ate, so unfortunately I can’t really blame the alcohol.”

  “You ate? So you had like an actual date with this guy? Where did you go?”

  “Jayne, I can’t exactly go into all the details, I have a bit of a situation going on right now.”

  “Okay, but you have to call me the second he leaves and tell me everything.”

  “Forget details, Jayne. If you don’t hear from me in ten minutes, call the police.”

  “Stop. You’re fine. He doesn’t want to kill you. Just tell me real quick, was it good?”

  “What? Was what good?”

  “The sex. The guy had to be something special if you brought him home.”